Beemo Dinosaurierfuß

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I didn’t want to reply at all because it is starting to get ridiculous and noone else keeps reading this.

    But please just for the sake of being honest, show me where I am intolerant or hateful?
    I replied to other comments in this thread as well, there should be plenty to pick from.

    Show me my intolerance, show me my hate.

    I even make it easier for you.

    I think religion is a cancer to society.
    I think all religions are basically cults.

    Make a straightforward argument how my statements are either hateful or intolerant.

    Because while those statements are my honest opinion, I am still strongly in favour of freedom of religion.
    I would never forbid anyone from practicing their religion as long as they don’t infringe on someone else’s rights in doing so.
    I don’t hate anyone for being religious. There are wonderful religious people.

    Still I think they are wonderful despite their religion, not because of it.

    I don’t even hate you, despite your ongoing insults towards me.
    I just think you are very wrong on a fundamental level and haven’t yet learned to deal with being told so.

  • I think you understand neither what a skepticist is, nor how religion or free churches work.

    Well you’re wrong in both, but I am curious why you would think that.

    And by your logic I assume you have to be an anarchist,

    Hilariously wrong here.

    since every government that ever existed - or society for that matter - has exercised some form of suppression.

    Care to explain what that has to do with anything I said in this thread?

    I think your overgeneralizing, intollerant way of thinking is sickening and hardly better than that of a racist or sexist.

    And I think you resort to personal insults because you have no valid arguments against my positions.
    But please humor me and tell me how I am intolerant in an comparable way to a racist or sexist.

    And please don’t tell me what my beliefs are. That’s pretty church-y of you.

    I’m a pansexual protestant Christian

    Are you kidding me? You told about your beliefs yourself.

    And it’s especially rich after your whole post made assumptions about me.

  • Please enlighten me how I’m inherently ignorant

    Despite millenia of disproven lies about a non existing almighty being, you still believe this being indeed does exist and indeed is almighty without ever having any measurable effect on the world whatsoever.

    How is that not ignorant?

    and taking your freedom.

    I don’t support the statement that you personally take away anyones freedom.
    But organized churches have a long standing tradition of suppression and if you are part of one you support that at least indirectly.