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Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Damn, these rpm-ostree distroes are taking off. I mean tbf, having a “cloud native” approach (a two buzzword combo) with system images is kind of great for testing, and it shows people can now actually carve out some systems in a relatively effective manner. Good show!

    That is supposing it is rpm-ostree, because ostree can actually rebase to an entire different distribution. There’s people getting arch working as an ostree install, and eventually, we’ll have gone over to a new dawn, where you don’t need to reinstall, just rebase.

    Goddamn open source is awesome.

  • No no no no. See, the anti-immigration industry works within new public management, meaning those contracts are already sold to our friends… I mean given to the lowest bidder., whithin the standards we decided upon of course - which are very high, expensive standards. All of this chalks up to consultancy fees, renting fees, transaction fees, headlight fluid fees, and of course marketing. I mean think of those poor people in the marketing department, how much cocaine- I mean problems they have to deal with.

    Surely you understand, that letting local enforcement and courts deal with the matter prevents us from actively exploiting- I mean processing immigration. We also have lots of help from various farmers around the country, who’ve had immigrants working on a bimonthly pay. Good that we caught that the second month in. But since there is no contract or paperwork, guess the immigrants just took up residence on that farm. For shame.

    I’ll tell you what, if we build roads to the farms and some other roads back to the borders, we’d make an effective process out of it. Whoop whoop! Free labour! WHY DOESNT ANYONE WANT TO WORK ANYMORE?!?!?

    Damned avocado toast… why, if it weren’t for all these hard working immigrants…

  • Unless they’re called Microsoft. In that case, they care a lot. Also, PreSonus Studio One is getting ported, DaVinci Resolve runs on Linux, Bitwig, Lightworks has run on Linux for a long while, and we’re not even including all the Electron wrappers out there.

    No joke though, vendors would have a bit more control - if they used Nix instead of Flatpaks or Snaps :P We could bring the NSIS installer and DRM on Linux in the worst way as well. But, still: DRM dees nuts.

  • haha bro neoliberals betray their values and principles every day, whereas classical liberalism is just a marriage between liberalism and nationalism (they want them to kiss, in a “traditional marriage” of course). In any case, one represses what the CIA does, while the other relishes it.

    The best way to encapsulate the problem is through some logic. What you think, what you say and what you do are 3 different things, right? In a similar vein, liberal philosophy, ideologies and parties are 3 different things.

    Both liberal philosophy and ideology (besides “classical”) find imperialism disgusting, whereas western “liberal” parties seem to think we can have a little imperialism - as a treat.

    Enter the CIA, the IMF and Citibank, because they simply go where the evil is. Evil is very lucrative… because “liberalism”? How tf does that make sense? It doesn’t. You can’t make it make sense. Nobody can, especially “the liberals”.

  • Tl;Dr “I want my~ I want my~ I want my NixOS~”. Yes, I am that old. Shut up.

    I love the enthusiasm… but I must disagree :( unfortunately, much to my sheegrin bacuse I want to spite Linux commenter on this sub so badly because they are a bunch of brogrammers, but for me the year of the Linux desktop has to happen at the hands of device manufacturers. “Monopoly-by-default” is real, always has been, and never ever really left. Don’t take your eyes off Microsoft or Apple for one second - the bastards - because when you do, you fall into the vendor lock-in trap.

    I personally think the EU should publish a bespoke bootloader with a gallery of operating systems that can be fetched using PXE, with image signing and checking of course, sort of like the “browser choice” alternative for OS’s. It doesn’t need to be the main bootloader, but it has to be available - and most likely GRUB2… because GRUB2 is everywhere. It’s what boots MacOS on M* machines. It’s the one boot loader to rule them all. What I’m saying is we’re in the year of GRUB2.

    Anyways, outside my ideal there’s really nothing that will bring the “year of the Linux desktop” popularity wise, besides a large vendor relying on the actual Linux desktop stack - which is possible, but there’s probably a reason why Samsung bet on Enlightenment, and it’s not because it’s creator is so enlightened. MIT spelt in South Korean translates to MINE.

    One thing 2024 has also stood for is cleaning house. GNOME was caught breaking their own strict rules, KDE keeps ironing out the ancient from the Plasma desktop paradigm, though now KWin has better Wayland support than Mutter for some reason, even though one has had Wayland support for years (a real tortoise and the hare situation this), and people are obsessed with a display server that nobody develops for anymore. (XWayland is XWayland, not X11). So finally we’re in the year of Wayland. Good bye, screen tearing. Hello breaking with protocol and causing screen corruption. Oy vey.

    In regards to developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, and developers, then I look at the Rust stack, I look at the Zed stack, even the C# stack, or even a certain GUI framework with its own IDE built entirely using its own Emscripten SDK (can’t remember the name for the life of me). Here I see some new ways of doing the same thing and creating cross-platform solutions from the get-go, that might bring in new products and services on the Linux side.

    But we already have access to more private and public services in software form on Linux than ever before before, so maybe the year of the Linux desktop passed us by but as a lackluster metric and Linux as a desktop (or LaaD as I’d like to call it, because I’m a moron) really won’t be popularized until one of the major vendor completely screws the Pooch, and then someone brings a solution based on the Linux stack. Come on, Copilot+ and System76…

    Also, NixOS is finally trying to fix it’s issues, which is great, because Nix could realistically be a reproducible stack across systems, which can be tested by spitting out a single flake file. I see it as an addition to Flatpaks, Snaps and even AppImages. I want to petition Ableton to bring Live Linux, because I know in my heart of hearts that they’ve hired people with NixOS experience and that the Push 3 standalone needs some form of OS. But NixOS is a perfect example of why people are asking what happened to the year of the CoC’s? Maybe we can do a reboot.

    So in conclusion, I’m over here waiting for the year of NixOS, which will be a lackluster event where nobody is happy with, most likely celebrated by another institutional figure having to walk it off. See you in 10-15 years.

  • I love GNOME, but Gnome Software is hot garbage. If KDE gets their gtk/adwaita tweaks in place, I might recommend Discover instead.

    Also, arguably, by the most argumentative people, AppStream is also hot garbage, which is what was supposed to solve your problem regarding “too many package managers”.

    I personally would wish AppStream didn’t suck and that it was also aware of NPM and crate packages. They’ve sort of been forgotten or relegated “developer tools”… even though you can pull full applications and system libraries.

    How many “it’s 2025 already” problems do we have to encounter this year?

  • Good. No offence to him, as he is the architect behind nix, but nixos suffers from major governance issues, largely thanks to indecision, infighting and actively distilling conflict within the community.

    At the end of the day, that whole “benevolent dictator” schtick is just not sustainable.

    Also, it’s 2024 already. Finish the implementation of flakes. Either that, or strip it out. One or the other. Get off the pot or piss.