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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • The entire conservative, pro cop playbook is “say silly things, pretend you don’t know they’re silly”.

    And if anyone calls you out, act offended. Everyone knows if you are offended you are right. Growing up in a religious household it’s incredible how many times I saw someone use, “You’re rude therefore you are wrong” as a core tenant of “debate”.

    The ‘victim card’ is the conservative ‘race card’.

  • A reporter asked a very very long question in a press conference 2-3 years ago. It has become a quaint F1 copypasta due to this. The author took that quote and replaced all of the Formula 1 references with Linux references.

    It’s obscure as hell but funny to encounter as a fan of both.

    I am pretty sure the long question is used in Netflix’s Drive to Survive series in one of the seasons with Sebastien Vettel. Good show even for a non-F1 fan, but I admit I am biased.