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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Seriously. I might not be a great “Marx Scholar” and I don’t think the revolution will just be a peaceful process “whished into existence” but I don’t think Marx was Dunkin g on anti authoritarians here and to presume the “dictatorship of the proletariat” is the long term free society of Marx ideals is utter garbage. Communism will be anti-authoritarian or it will not be.

  • Two additional commands I regularly use as a Sysadmin are

    systemctl status without any unit to list show the general system status (lists units that are running, units that are starting and failed units right at the top) And then systemctl list-units --failed To show me just the failed units and did deeper what the problem is.

    On a properly set up system I should quickly be able to ascertain if everything is “up and running” just by systemds status