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Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Sadly it’s not an option for example you want WiFi 6. A good chunk of really awesome hardware doesn’t support it.

    Of course, it’s always possible to use bridging and multiple devices. That’s what I have now.

    Lastly, the original statement supposed that all recent hardware supports IPv6 by default. OpenWRT doesn’t typically fit that description.

  • It absolutely can be DHCP. There’s two main ways to do it: stateless auto configuration, and DHCP. Super briefly, you can assign IP addresses the same way you used to if you want, or you can let devices pick their own.

    I’m afraid I can’t recommend a great resource, but I really like the Wikipedia article because it’s very precise in its terminology. I appreciate that with learning a new subject. I’m not even that precise here. For example, I use the term IP forwarding more liberally than what it actually means.

  • Right, that’s how it should work. Unfortunately that’s not how it actually works most of the time in consumer.

    Many devices don’t provide an option in the UI to open an inbound port on IPv6. For example, the latest and most expensive Linksys gaming router blocks all inbound connections and there are no options for different behavior. It doesn’t support opening any ports for v6.

    The most recent TP link device I tested for my dad doesn’t even have a firewall. If you know the global IP, you can connect to any port you want.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pubtoMemes@lemmy.mlMaybe we can get good IPv6 support now
    24 days ago

    The problem is mainly that IPv4 port forwarding is network address translation, but on IPv6 it’s instead IP forwarding with a firewall rule.

    The latter is conceptually simpler, but it’s a different mechanism and one that most home routers don’t bother to implement. This is quite ironic because IPv6 was intended to restore end to end connectivity principles.

    Don’t get me wrong; I’m quite happy with the standard. They are very few good implementations of that standard, and given the momentum of its predecessor, implementers just don’t care.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pubtoMemes@lemmy.mlMaybe we can get good IPv6 support now
    24 days ago

    That sounds awesome.

    I really like stateless, but it bugs me that the router has to snoop on traffic if you want a list of devices. The good ones will actually do this, but most are blind to how your network is being used with IPv6.

    And it really bothers me that Android just refuses to support DHCPv6 in any capacity. Seems like a weird hill to die on. There are too many legitimate use cases.

  • All consumer and enterprise equipment made in the last 10+ years natively support IPv6.

    I object to this statement. You can buy name brand routers today that don’t implement it properly. Sure, they route packets, but they have broken stateless auto configuration or don’t respect DHCPv6 options correctly, and the situation is made worse because you don’t know how your ISP implements IPv6 until you try it.

    God help you if you need a firewall where you can open ports on v6. Three years ago I bought one that doesn’t even properly firewall IPv6.

    I tested a top-of-the-line Netgear router to find that it doesn’t support opening ports and once again doesn’t correctly support forwarded IP DHCPv6, which even if that works correctly, your Android clients can’t use it 🫠 Decades later there’s no consensus on how it should function on every device. This is a severe problem when you are a standard.

    The state of IPv6 on consumer hardware is absolute garbage. You have to guess how your ISP implements it if at all, and even then you’re at the mercy of your limited implementation. If you’re lucky it just works with your ISP router. If you’re not, it’s a PITA.

    EDITs: spell corrections and clarification.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pubtoMemes@lemmy.mlMusic to my ears
    1 month ago

    No quarter for traitors.

    Now, we should be mindful. Some of these people are misguided or misinformed, but there’s also people who are acting in bad faith. For these, you can’t convince them. They fundamentally disagree with human rights, rights in general, and democracy.

    I’m A-OK with making fun of modern day Nazis.