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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023

  • refuse.

    That’s just not practically possible.

    OP said they’re running a small business. It’s great that they want to fly the flag for FOSS, but they’re not in the business of promoting and advocating for FOSS. They still need to do the things they need to do.

    Refusing to file your taxes on the grounds that the software provided is not open source is a great way to no longer be in business.

  • Great points.

    I think the option of nuclear needs to be on the table, and in some (or many) circumstances it might be the best fit.

    Presently in Australia one of our two major parties is campaigning on a “pivot to nuclear” platform, but we’re kind the polar opposite to the netherlands (both figuratively and literally?). The vast majority of Australia is sunny desert, girt by sea, with a tiny population in on the coast. My state is something like 2,000km by 1,250km, with about 2 million people. Nuclear just doesn’t seem like a good fit right now.

    My concern is that with this pivot to nuclear we basically just keep burning coal for the next 20 years while we’re building nuclear plants.

    It might be a great idea to build several reactors, while we furiously build out wind and solar.

    There are some gargantuan solar hydrogen cracking projects not far from here in the planning phase which just sound amazing to me.

  • What a silly thing to stay.

    Crafting a team mission statement was much less of an exercise in wordsmithing than I might have assumed. Instead, it was an exercise in aligning on the bigger questions of why we exist and who benefits from our work. I walked away with a better understanding of the value our team brings to Mozilla, a clearer way to articulate how our work ladders up to the organization’s mission, and a deeper appreciation for the individual perspectives of our team members.

    This is exactly what “better leadership” looks like, and it’s how Firefox will remain a compelling alternative to Chrome.

  • I don’t have the direct experience you do, but when you say “training and support” I would venture that includes “the vibe” of the thing.

    People who have used Windows & Office forever will find using a new platform irritating just because everything is just a little different.

    Couple that with the fact that non-tech people often perceive opensource as the free+shitty version, and it’s surely a recipe for an “ideology” whereby employees feel that they’re being abused - forced to use a shitty platform so the city can save a few dollars.

    There’s also a halo effect, whereby any issue gets blamed on free+shitty platform instead of simply tech being tech.

    I just don’t think that training and support can really solve that. You really need employees to believe in the benefits if opensource and I’m not sure that’s achievable.