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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is the format collision discussion that has no solution so far. A tablet that runs windows is counted as Windows. A laptop that runs android does not. Neither does an android cellphone. It all boils down to web browser user agent fuckery. This is why steam’s numbers are more reliable than other sources, they’re direct hardware surveys.

    But the point is that a steam deck is not (but in a way it is basically just) a PC. There are tablets than run desktop interfaces and now there are laptops that can be used as tablet. Eventually the artificial mobile vs. PC/desktop/laptop schism will stop making sense.

  • Almost all anti-cheats work on linux or offer linux integration or builds. It’s the scummy unethical publishers who run the typical games that uses anti-cheat who refuse to pay engineers to make the minimum effort to support linux. Because it would undermine some of their bullshit claims used to manipulate their players. Fortunately for some people like myself, the typical game that requires anti-cheat is not a game they would want to play anyways.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI mean it.
    21 days ago

    Well, you see. Those in charge want that apple there. Because when push comes to shove that apple will also kill activists, protestors and political opponents without asking questions or refusing orders. He will keep fellow apples in check and keep them from speaking up as well. They like that apple.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    24 days ago

    This is because tech bros only read pop-psy without any regard for context or nuance. So they read a bit about Flow state and ranking for gamification, and as usual they just botched it. Most ranking is typically calibrated for engagement, not fun. Mind you, they are two different characteristics. If you graphed difficulty and skill, flow is a band, not a point, of difficulty, in the middle. The idea is that when you are challenged slightly over your skill, there is something in you brain that stimulates you to keep going under the promise that overcoming the challenge will be rewarding. Too high and people rage quit, too low and people get bored. The problem is that they want maximum engagement and for that the difficulty has to be on the higher end of the band. A frustrated person will return, a bored one most likely won’t.

    They also want to keep people engaged with random and variable reinforcement. The other psychological theory that drives game design, much how behavioral scientist cheat pigeons to keep them engaged pulling a lever or pushing a button. Mix both theories poorly together and you get the awful implementation we see on multiplayer. People are tricked into believing that just because their brain chemicals are screaming at them to keep doing something, it means they are having fun. But that is obviously not true, just nobody ever occurred that those pigeons might be having a awful time. Ask most people on ranked MP or grinding for builds on MMOs if they are having fun and they have no idea why you’re asking them. It has nothing to do with fun, they just want the carrot being dangled in front of their nose.

    I just don’t do online MP anymore because of this. 99% of the time, I’m not having fun. Now if I want to play with my friends or other people, we play tabletop board games. Infinitely more fun and far more satisfying than any online game ever.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlgo get your eyes checked
    3 months ago

    It wouldn’t have, apparently. An optometrist friend says that sort of thing only makes slightly worse the things that were already going to happen to your eyes. Like, if you are nearsighted and didn’t exercise your eyes looking at far away stuff enough, your eyesight will be slightly more myopic. But you were going to be nearsighted anyway. Like, people were awfully nearsighted way before the invention of the television and sedentary indoor lifestyles. We just hadn’t invented optometry yet to note it.

  • You and your piece of shit attitude is the problem. There’s a difference between asking for advice with something you couldn’t figure out (it’s OK and It happens to all of us), feeling bummed or overwhelmed. Expressing some frustration healthily.

    And walking into a place, complaining that nothing works, insulting their values, proclaiming that you’re leaving because you’re dissatisfied, then slamming the door shut.

    Who tf are you? We don’t know you. You’re not part of our community. This is the first time we’re seeing you, and you’re acting like a little know it all shithead ranting about crap we are already aware of, we already have a solution for, or is not relevant to us because it’s against our principles. And you wonder why nobody here likes you?

    Linux is not a product, no matter how much we like to discuss it, at the end of the day market share is irrelevant for FLOSS. We seek no profit, we chase no investor, we please no shareholder. It’s fitting you are feeling unwelcome, you are unwelcome. You don’t share the same values as our community.

    Good riddance.

  • It is interesting to see the American context where food is so cheap. In my country eating out, even fast food, is the privilege. For me there’s no cheaper option than cooking at home, by a wide margin. It does take some planing. But I would go broke in a week if I ate a whole work week straight of fast food. It would be over half of my monthly income. Just one week of lunch only. So for me there’s no option, I have to cook at home or I would starve.