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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Should all be in place. Even nvidia driver support. It’s one of the rare cases where I actually support nvidia on a technical level, that is, having explicit sync is good. I can also understand that they didn’t feel like implementing proper implicit sync (hence all the tearing etc) when it’s a technically inferior solution.

    OTOH, they shouldn’t have bloody waited until now to get this through. Had they not ignored wayland for a literal decade this all could’ve been resolved before it became an issue for end-users.

  • I argue that X11 would have hyperactive development, if we did not have Wayland

    Wayland was started by the X developers because they were sick and tired of hysterical raisins. Noone else volunteered to take over X, either, wayland devs are thus still stuck with maintaining XWayland themselves. I’m sure that at least a portion of the people shouting “but X just needs some work” at least had a look at the codebase, but then noped out of it – and subsequently stopped whining about the switch to Wayland.

    What’s been a bit disappointing is DEs getting on the wayland train so late. A lot of the kinks could have been worked out way earlier if they had given their 2ct of feedback right from the start, instead of waiting 10 years to even start thinking about migrating.

  • That does not seem to be a stray and yes there’s definitely reasons to take potshots at Gnome. They still don’t support server-side decorations. Everyone is absolutely fine with them not wanting to use them in their own apps, have them draw window decorations themselves, and every other DE lets gnome apps do exactly that, but Gnome is steadfastly and pointlessly refusing to draw decorations for apps which don’t want to draw their own decorations. It’d be like a hundred straight-forward lines of code for them.

    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to breakage you have to expect when running Gnome.

  • Wayland kinda is an x.org project in the first place. AFAIK it’s officially organised under freedesktop but the core devs are x.org people.

    x.org as in the organisation and/or domain might not be needed any more, but the codebase is still maintained by exactly those Wayland devs for the sake of XWayland. Support for X11 clients isn’t going to go away any time soon. XWayland is also capable of running in rootfull mode and use X window managers, if there’s enough interest to continue the X.org distribution I would expect them to completely rip out the driver stack at some point and switch it over to an off the shelf minimum wayland compositor + XWayland. There’s people who are willing to maintain XWayland for compatibility’s sake, but all that old driver cruft, no way.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    26 days ago

    Also, you need a supported card. I have a potato going by the name RX 5500, not on the supported list. I have the choice between three rocm versions:

    1. An age-old prebuilt, generally works, occasionally crashes the graphics driver, unrecoverably so… Linux tries to re-initialise everything but that fails, it needs a proper reset. I do need to tell it to pretend I have a different card.
    2. A custom-built one, which I fished out of a docker image I found on the net because I can’t be arsed to build that behemoth. It’s dog-slow, due to using all generic code and no specialised kernels.
    3. A newer prebuilt, any. Works fine for some, or should I say, very few workloads (mostly just BLAS stuff), otherwise it simply hangs. Presumably because they updated the kernels and now they’re using instructions that my card doesn’t have.

    #1 is what I’m actually using. I can deal with a random crash every other day to every other week or so.

    It really would not take much work for them to have a fourth version: One that’s not “supported-supported” but “we’re making sure this things runs”: Current rocm code, use kernels you write for other cards if they happen to work, generic code otherwise.

    Seriously, rocm is making me consider Intel cards. Price/performance is decent, plenty of VRAM (at least for its class), and apparently their API support is actually great. I don’t need cuda or rocm after all what I need is pytorch.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlUncanny Valley
    1 month ago

    The best non-DSM category for socio/psychopath I’ve come across is the lack of affective empathy, but intact cognitive empathy. (non-DSM because that’s just symptom clusters not aetiologies, you quite literally need to have broken laws to be diagnosed with ASPD). Then you have a look at what skills are useful to have as a surgeon, like not flinching when you cut into people, and their character traits including their bedside manners, yep there’s plenty of perfectly integrated psychopaths around. Same goes for pyromaniacs fire departments are full of them, you only ever hear about the ones who don’t get the curve.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlDunes vs Star Wars
    2 months ago

    Forget the music it’s the overall sound design, music is just a small part of it. Villeneuve’s vision for the whole thing was to make it sound like a documentary: The desert sounds like desert, not like music, the ornithopers sound like – erm, they sound like ornithopters, not helicopters or music, everything sounds natural. As if shot on location, on actual Dune, and that atmosphere is given plenty of screen time, no grand musical scores interrupting the immersion.

    EDIT oh wait you were talking Star Wars, not Dune. Yep, completely different beast. Also the THX logo not just the 21st Century Fox fanfare is part of the score I’m ready to die on that hill.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlDunes vs Star Wars
    2 months ago

    Not so much opportunistic but unavoidable. He’s a slave to the powers surrounding him, and the more real-world power he attains the less choice he has in how to wield it.

    The real gut-punchers of how his station is betraying Paul’s actually and genuinely good character are going to come in the second book, that is, subsequent movies.

    And, yes, Paul, the Atreides in general, are good people. Noble, honourable, just, wise, kind, upright, everything, to a fault. Which is the only way to tear down the Messiah archetype, the Messiah has to fail despite their virtues, the failure has to be dictated on them by the universe, in a way that’s not incidental but an unescapable truth about how the universe works. Or at least humanity.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlNot cool
    2 months ago

    Bechamel is definitely the mother sauce here, yes. The general Mornay scheme could be called the mother of all cheese sauces, though, and after seeing Escoffier add fish I’ve never gone without it just harmonises so well and you can increase the total amount of umami because it’s backed by more broad-spectrum subtle aroma than cheese alone.

    Side note if you’re cooking for vegetarians replace fish and veal / meat extract with mushrooms. Different, but hits just as good as the carnivore variant. Never managed a proper vegan version, the milk isn’t the problem the problem is limited choice of different sources of umami. It’s not supposed to be a yeast sauce, after all. Make Ratatouille instead never had one complain about it.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlNot cool
    2 months ago

    At the point of putting Gruyère in it you better be calling it Macaroni au Gratin Mornay.

    Following Escoffier (as is proper and yes I know these aren’t home kitchen amounts do the ratios yourself):

    For the Bechamel: Steam in butter until white 300g finely diced lean veal, two small finely chopped onions, a bit of thyme, pepper, nutmeg, 25g salt, add it to a base of 650g roux and 5l milk. TBH that’s too complicated for me, I put meat extract, thyme, pepper, and onions into cold milk, slowly bring it to temperature, then add cold roux and nutmeg. Also I don’t pass it through a sieve do I look like a French Chef chunks are fine.

    To turn that into a Mornay, add fish fonds (fish sauce works well use the good Vietnamese stuff), for 1l Bechamel melt in 50g “Swiss cheese” and 50g Parmesan, 100g Butter. Gruyere has become standard for the Swiss part of the cheese and works on its own, often people also use an egg yolk to aid emulsion. Especially useful if you have less aromatic cheeses and want to add more, it’s not like you can’t do this with Gouda.

    Oh, and you might want to reduce the salt in the Bechamel if you add fish sauce.

    If you’re putting the whole thing in the oven to make a gratin (also consider throwing some veggies in, peas, carrots, nothing special the sauce is already fancy) adding the egg white is fine no harm done and extra protein, otherwise things can get complicated in actually getting it denatured properly. Without producing scrambled eggs, that is: Mix in the yolk once the sauce is cold enough to not instantly denature it, melt in the cheese, now it’s even colder, add the white and mix it well, pour over stuff, then into the oven to finish up.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlSaving people is illegal
    2 months ago

    Nope, earlier, it’s Göttingen school of history stuff. Essentially the bible-based alternative to Blumenbach:

    II) During the time of Moses, the Semites lived partly in India, towards the Ganges, partly on the coasts of the South Sea to the Persian Gulf, in Elymais, Assyria, Chaldea, and in southern Mesopotamia, and with further expansion in some areas of Palestine, in the north and south of Arabia, finally too, but maybe not yet in Moses’s time, in Abyssinia or Ethiopia.

    Which isn’t totally off compared to our modern understanding of who spoke proto-Semitic. “Semitic” as a descriptor of languages is unchallenged in linguistics because, well, symbols are arbitrary anyway and “Descendants of Shem”, as in Noah’s son, ancestor of Abraham, is not exactly a contentious thing among a group of related cultures having birthed no less than three Abrahamic religions.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlSaving people is illegal
    2 months ago

    I think most of it is just confusion inherent in the term “antisemitism”, which TBH is a bad term because it singles out a single Semitic people among many as the oppressed ones. That false focus then in turn causes a knee-jerk pendulum swing towards another extreme.

    And who’s to blame? Again, Germans: The term was introduced to replace “Judenhass” (jew hatred) with something “more scientific sounding”, as recently as 1879. Damn that’s a lot of citations there. Maybe we should switch to “Jewphobia” or something.

  • Giving users access to PID1 running binaries, giving users access to the kernel running binaries as root, I don’t see much difference. SUID was notorious in the past for being leaky, it only ended when distros got serious about fencing use of it in, giving it only to programs actually needing it, making sure that they drop privilege properly, etc.

    If anything I’m in the PID1 camp because it’s more microkernely. But in any case broader userspace shouldn’t really care about the mechanism, only have an API to do it and that API being a bit in the file permissions is soooo 1960s.

  • L4. HURD never panned out, and L4 is where the microkernel research settled: Memory protection, scheduling, IPC in the kernel the rest outside and there’s also important insights as to the APIs to do that with. In particular the IPC mechanism is opaque, the kernel doesn’t actually read the messages which was the main innovation over Mach.

    Literally billions of devices run OKL4, seL4 systems are also in mass production. Think broadband processors, automotive, that kind of stuff.

    The kernel being watertight doesn’t mean that your system is, though, you generally don’t need kernel privileges to exfiltrate any data or generally mess around, root suffices.

    If you want to see this happening – I guess port AMDGPU to an L4?