Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • I specified when it’s not placebo and is real. Even in that rare case it wasn’t aligning chackras or whatever but served as a surprise remedy to return normal blood circulation. Was it that timely or maybe doctors were too amputation-happy? Either way, not that much mystery, more luck.

    Placebo comes when there are claims it treats what’s out of it’s reach, like cancer, or improves overall quality of life in some mystical way. The worst offence there is cases where patients refuse medications and therapy because they get in a great mood and have some pain relief after a session, like with many other semi-pseudoscientifical treatments. Otherwise it’s a nice kind of a physical therapy.

  • It’s when you start to add spiritual significance and meaning to it accupuncture becomes bonkers. Otherwise it’s a specific form of a massage that lets one single out and affect specific muscles. Therefore a knowledgeable person can make wonders by applying it correctly. As a bonus: the whole experience of laying like a hedgehog.

  • It helps that the new head of design for both of these products is a guy who really knows his shit. He’s already taken MuseScore from an application that nobody in their right mind would use if they could afford the commercial competitors, to a legitimately great music engraving application, and he’s been on Audacity too since 2021.

    I tried Audacity before that and couldn’t migrate from adobe’s aquired CoolEditPro (Au versions before modern redesign). Have it changed much since then? I’m yet to find an alternative (video editing tools just doesn’t make it, although they get recommended) and as I can recall Audacity had an interface that’s not as easy to use.

  • Translated meme picture could fly better, even if done by google lense. Thus it can be shared, as any meme needs in order to be. That’s their main quality.

    For those confused, the joke’s about generic essays ex-soviet middleschoolers write when they start another year after a summer break. Meduza and Rain are banned news medias, rainbow is obvious, Memorial is a society for studying soviet repressions that was liquidated a year ago.

  • What’s with that whataboutism? I don’t care about the US. Why do your type brings it up every time, like it makes USSR’s wrongdoings more acceptable. It doesn’t. It’s rather a lesson to learn and not repeat in your country.

    and the USSR had a tendency to send a massive amount of their prisoners to Siberia, which would make it difficult to help build apartment blocks several thousand miles away.

    So? They built infrastructure there, yes, so it’s enormous territory can be somehow crossable. And they also built infrastructure, housing and plants\factories all over it’s territory. Gulag wasn’t just a one small camp, it’s the Main Office of Camp (Managenent), it had a lot of people to send elsewhere, based on what Kremlin wants.