Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Well you’re at a college. If you want people to follow rules, be more specific, or don’t get pissed when they follow the stated rules but you feel like the rules should include something else.

    If the concern is liability, then don’t just say “don’t skateboard” and get mad when people bike through the area. You said no skateboards. This is not a skateboard. Rules=followed.

    If anyone feels like chirping in with “you know what they meant” that really doesn’t matter. Not to me, not to people who don’t understand that sort of thing, not to courts.

    Besides, I feel like clarity is some thing you should strive for at a facility for higher education.

  • The shows are the best part.

    The movie was meh as far as I’m concerned. Neat but meh. I was pretty young when it came out and only saw it with my dad many years later.

    SG1 is where it’s at. 10 seasons and 3 movies of fantastic TV.

    Atlantis is even better for the action-lovers, I feel like it was much more action-packed. That’s partly just because both shows are products of their times, SG1 started when TV shows were much slower paced, but picks it up as the years pass. Very different first seasons.

    Universe is unlike either of the other two, and if you approach it expecting more SG1/Atlantis you will be disappointed, and likely not finish the series. It’s far more focused on drama, I think. Recently someone compared it to Lost, and honestly I can see the influence. The whole “mystery” aspect, having no idea where the story will go next… It’s a totally different show that you might not like even if you loved the other two.

    I’d say watch a few episodes from like season 6 or 7, and decide if you want to see more. It is a product of its time and the first season of any show can be hard to get through, 90s shows especially.

  • Personally I feel like the show really finds it’s legs in S3 but kicks it into high gear for S6.

    I’m sure every fan has a list of episodes you can skip, and while I do skip a lot of S1/2 depending on how long it’s been since I watched those particulars, personally I think they’re all important for Stargate as a whole. Necessary to watch on your second run I think, not necessarily for the first.

    Luckily since I know the people I’ve watched it with pretty well, I know what can be skipped and what they’ll need to watch to really “get it”. And I summarize the episodes we skip. Sometimes I’ll even give them the option like “next episode is pretty slow, no real action but a lot of off-world things and important conversations/drama” and let them decide if they want to watch a slow episode or not.

    Although honestly, how can you think the episodes where Daniel poses as Yu’s servant are boring? Sure no big explosions and action sequences, but it’s riveting.

  • If you’re asking all these questions, you’re trying too hard to “get” the game.

    It’s kind of a humor game, kind of a satirical take on how games in general just kind of expect you to follow along but in SP you can do all kind of “not what we’re here for” shit like sitting in a closet for twenty minutes. Is it riveting gameplay? Not usually, but it was worth the $5 I paid for it. I certainly have gotten more than $5 of entertainment out of it.

    Totally understand if that kind of game isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I certainly wouldn’t have played it in highschool. Or at least I’d be bored with it very quickly.

    And with all the different paths in the game, replay is okay because you probably don’t remember all of them.