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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • She killed a her dog which was young because she is a joke of a owner who thought a dog would just magically train itself…with a shotgun, because she’s a fucking idiot. Then she also killed a goat, also with a shotgun… because she’s a fucking idiot. Euthanizing animals sucks, and when it’s done properly, it’s quick, and painless. People like her, have no fucking clue how to do so, and shouldn’t be allowed to own animals or guns for that matter.

    TL;DR, she’s a fucking idiot.

  • Yeah, fuck me, it’s almost like trying to quell an insurgency on foreign land where every time you murder a terrorist you make more because those terrorists had families and lived in communities. It’s almost like that’s unconventional warfare where the only way to win is by committing a genocide (which we can absolutely do but choose not to, you little fuckin goober).

    Eww so close to understanding… because yes that totally wouldn’t happen here at all lol

    We didn’t ‘lose’ Vietnam, Afghanistan, nor Iraq. The government decided it wasn’t worth occupying the land any further and had become too costly. You really fuckin think the government is going to just throw their hands up and go “Awe shucks, guess we gotta give up our own land to the hicks with assault rifles.” No you fuckin cabbage, they’ll roll out tanks and APCs from the military bases 15 miles in any direction with full kit and put your dumb ass in your own bed and tuck you in.

    Lol you are braindead if you think the military is going to side one way or another. We did lose all 3 of those wars and those people we were killing didn’t look or speak like us. Also those hicks are the majority of the military…lol

    You are giga fucked in the head if you think for even a solitary second domestic martial law with the combined force of all military branches is anywhere near as difficult as shipping that same hardware halfway around the world to places that don’t want you there. All shit the founding fathers couldn’t comprehend because going from one landmass to another was still a multi-month journey and not everyone would survive it.

    Lol ok buddy you keep thinking that. Remember your home is free game when they start bombing your neighborhood to kill a few of those hicks.

    The government only loses when it kills so many of us we can’t make it enough money to put gas in the F-35 raptors.

    The second a f-35 starts killing us citizens is when it can’t be refueled. You clearly do not understand how bad a civil war would be…