ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2022


  • Lol @ the handwringing libs who think this isn’t the foundations of the privileged world they live in

    I get it though, I grew up in the US after 9/11 so of course I was propagandized to hell and back like every other kid. The number of times i heard adults just flat out advocate for a nuclear holocaust of the middle east… When you’re so young, and so used to being given logical-sounding reasons to cheer for the imperial boot, it’s shocking to see people who actually ARE fighting for their freedoms, and doubly shocking when you see that they don’t comport to our conditioned, pampered habit of pretending to be morally better than their opponents. They don’t need to pretend like we need to, because their opponents are the people doing genocide and not some poor dirt farmers. But lest you think I don’t have a consistent stance on this, let me break it down:

    -Death sucks

    -It’s bad when families are killed

    -it’s good when nazis are killed, because then they can no longer kill families

    -Ergo it’s fine to celebrate and depict fascist death, in the same way you would depict a firetruck hosing down a flaming building; both are depictions of the saving of life.

    I’m not making an account on your instance to read and reply to anything, so know that before anyone starts going all Winston Churchill at the upsetting prospect of dead fascists.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlMusic to my ears
    1 month ago

    “Noo this is just like them, we have to be better”

    I’m not federated so I have to respond to this comment here.

    It’s 2024, where did eight years of “being better” get you? Under the boot, that’s where. “Civility” in politics is such brain poison, it’s a matter of life and death, not a dinner party. I will take as much satisfaction as I want from the misfortune of my enemies, because spreading misfortune is their entire life and it’s good when they’re impeded. Fuck the big wet ex-president, I hope a titan boa squeezes 70 years of McDonald’s grease out of him like a tube of toothpaste.

    That said, 34 convictions is only the first half of the punchline. The next big laugh comes in November, when red fascist beats blue fascist anyway and the big 8-year Mayan calendar at the DNC rolls over to 2016 again.

    Also, not to sound self-absorbed, but when Biden loses liberals will 1000% blame the left again. I only say so because I’ve been making an effort to be more public in my predictions, on account of being right so often.

  • The problem is that if your political world view requires actual study in order to understand and promote, you’re never going to get anywhere when it comes to affecting real change.

    Two war-torn feudal backwaters transformed themselves into spacefaring superpowers in the span of a single human lifetime. History has shown that mass political education is possible and effective. I mean hell, we all have to be instructed as kids about the dangers of fire, and that works. I don’t believe that educating people in Marxism is some sisyphean task any more than educating people in math. I think I can and has been done.