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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDunes vs Star Wars
    2 months ago

    The majority of force abilities is basically that. Voice control isn’t mastery of muscle or nerve, it isn’t magic in a sense, but controlling someone’s mind to do what you want for all intents and purposes is.

    Also, where do you think Star Wars got inspiration for most of their force abilities at the start?

  • wouldn’t they have never settled out of court and pursued complete and utter devastation of everyone related to yuzu just to set the court precedent alone? Nintendo didn’t. So…

    Uhh…. You don’t understand how a laws suit progresses apparently as well. To file a suit, you need to explain damages, if the plaintiff accepts them, you can’t suddenly go, no we want to fuck you more! They have to be reasonable and accountable, so hence why it was what it was and not anything more.

    You truly have zero clue about this and this is the second time you have shown why no one should listen to you.

  • Which point have I not addressed? You cause me of prattling, yet we’ve already established you’re moving goal posts and other fallacies. If you can’t defend a single one of your points without shooting your own foot. What are we doing here?

    You accuse me of stuff and ignore me pointing out the folley in it.

    You seriously are just the alt of the other account aren’t you? Can’t admit a mistake when given unequivocal evidence.

    I’m blocking you now.

  • uhh… Dolphin uses the Wii key, that’s what they did wrong… each one has done an illegal activity that has lead to them being pursued.

    Its really not a hard concept to try and grasp here, sorry.

    Nothing about my previous comment is “factually” incorrect. Which specific part do you think I was wrong about, and provide a source to disclaim it if you want to try and make a point.

    A lot of those apps are actual “donations” as well, not a patreon with locked emulator content…. If you can’t comprehend the differences of what’s being done, why the fuck are you discussing?

    GPL has nothing to with donations… that’s what makes the emulator defense invalid for copyright, you’re only protected for personal use. Can you please stop conflating these very simple things……?

  • Just because a license says something, doesn’t mean that it can go against laws and legislations or anything else like that lmfao.

    Just like a landlord having a contract from you saying X or Y, if it goes against the law, it doesn’t protect them.

    All of those subsequent ones will be fine from prosecution, until they start doing what yuzu did like making money, providing means to pirate and access to keys and guides. The protection is only going to last so long until the current loopholes are closed.

    Or just don’t do illegal shit and you can stay in operation, Cistra and Yuzu were fine for a decade, than they went too far and fucked up.

    You can scream all you want, the facts don’t care about when your “company” crosses the line and your probably legal project gets taken with it.

  • If I have weapons cache of guns and “accidentally” leave the door unlocked, would I not be liable if they found that out? Yes, this is the exact same situation, they left their door unlocked and could have done something to prevent this from happening. They didn’t, so they are complicit. It’s not just about copyright, why are you sticking to this like it’s some smoking gun or something….?

    Theres plenty of precedence going both ways, you just have to look at the correct way for it to click in your head.

    The companies actions or negligence, provided means, as described above, there’s plenty of precedence where you will be liable. Sorry this doesn’t fit with your head bias, but facts don’t care.

  • I already said the stuff has been deleted from their servers.

    How do you expect to get solid proof…?

    And I’m not going to engage with an absolute moron that thinks they can’t be held personally liable as the owner of an LLC…… Even after giving them proof they want to ignore it and pretend they weren’t wrong…. That’s not someone who will ever willingly admit they were wrong, so there’s no point in engaging further.

    Even if I’m wrong, but there’s no proof they did anything right either here…. They are still completely wrong about not ever being able to be personally liable with a LLC…… the rest of what they said have lost all merit, defend the moron if you want. I gave them unequivocal proof they were wrong about something, they blew it off, I can do the same with this emulator BS and still wouldn’t belief it…………

    All they have done is continually move the goalposts and ignore anything against them, so fuck me for doing the same back. I’m not going to engage with a bunch of people blindly defending someone who didn’t even try to defend the product, when others did with zero funds. It’s hilarious, they wanted their money and to run, and you guys are defending them for doing it. AWWWHHHH

    You also seem to be ignoring the big part where it says an llc or its owner can be liable for its companies actions…. Or the actions yuzu did… you guys are claiming he didn’t do it, so it’s not wrong…. Uhh… he’s personally responsible for anything his company he operated did…… this is the part you guys can’t fucking figure out lmfao. It was also literally spelt out for you morons multiple fucking times. “It wasn’t him” doesn’t fucking matter… his company did it…. He fucked up even if he didn’t! Fucking hell lmfao, you guys have no idea how businesses operate or how they can be exposed.

    Also, nice alt account lmfao.

  • I never said a full liability company existed, I was using that to show how stupid your asinine claim was that you can’t be held liable in an LLC, I see from your last comment you atleast kind of understand it, even though you won’t admit you were wrong originally. For some strange reason… why are you pretending you didn’t even know you could be liable as an LLC a comment ago…?

    Your comment

    And no. If your llc dies you don’t have to personally claim bankruptcy.

    As explained, there is situations, despite this asinine claim. Lmfao. If you company gets taking for 2.4 bil, how do you expect to pay that if you make 80k a year…? If you think I was saying you would always be liable, well that’s entirely on your ineptness that you’ve clearly shown this entire exchange.

    You can’t seriously be this inept can you? LLC is this magic thing that protects you from ALL liability… right…. Lmfao.

  • Was the business he worked for not an LLC…?


    You should seriously read up on what an llc actually protects you from, because your lack of knowledge could put you in a seriously disastrous scenario you thought you were protected from.

    Who the helm thinks a LLC protects them from everything…? The first term is literally LIMITED…… its not a full liability company lmfao.

    Main relevant bit for you

    In general, the tort participation theory is a legal principle that holds an owner of a company liable for the company’s torts (wrongful acts). This means that even if you are not the one who committed the tort, you can be held liable as an owner of the company.

    Not protected from illegal actions… huh…. The exact scenario you just presented… huh… look at that…