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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCheckmate Valve
    5 days ago

    Naw I didn’t mean that, but hell yeah let’s be here anyway. To me, technically the joke is that none of us probably bother to put in our real birth month and date when Steam asks us to verify our age before viewing the next game suggestion in our discovery queue or wherever; just spin that wheel for the year lol. But the wording you pointed out is the only tipoff that it’s what I’m talking about, over-explaining would have made it boring, and if I go too subtle, then nobody gets it. I was genuinely thanking ye for the noticing the deliberate wording and I hope you got a chuckle :D

  • And before someone gets up in arms about the research papers, the researchers don’t get paid by the journals for publishing with them. In fact, the researchers need to pay the journal to publish, and then the journal turns around and charges people to read it.

    What you’re describing here is called predatory publishing and is not the norm. It’s the “fake news” of scientific journals. I’m not “up in arms” about the original topic of making info available to the public whatsoever, just wanted to correct this part.


  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlProtect yourself friends.
    1 month ago

    Literally the first thing I do on every new computer I’ve used in the last 20 years or so is change the setting to show all file extensions. It’s always been scummy of Microsoft to hide those details and can only be justified at all by the notion that they want to make people dependent on their icons…which is a decent business justification and a horrible moral justification.

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlgo get your eyes checked
    3 months ago

    That’s really not true at all though. Look up “Food Pantries in my area” and see how many places offer food in your area. The blind man would qualify for lifetime disability checks. Food stamps are a thing, charities and churches do this kind of work as well. My city has an emergency rent program and there are, of course, homeless shelters and soup kitchens as well. It’s really that society’s mechanism for meeting the needs of the hungry are part voluntary (charity) and part automatic with entitlements (not a bad word!) and sometimes people fall through the cracks.

    This is why getting people connected to resources is such a big deal.

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlApple
    4 months ago

    But the majority of Apple and Iphone users

    There are over 135 million iPhone users in the US. What’s your sample size to be saying that a majority of users want to tell you how great their product is? Are you sure you’re not oversampling the loud ones? That is, it’s easy to count the people who try to convert you, but how easy is it really to count the people who just don’t care? Some of them have likely overheard your conversations about phones and just kept on walking or doing their own thing.

    Maybe it is not in your circle and you are then actually lucky.

    Is it that I’m lucky or that you’re unlucky? Both would shift the window of perception in the same way.

    I would suggest that people who want to pretend their decision-making is better than yours (especially regarding personal preference) sound like the type of annoying people that I avoid. Sorry you have to deal with them though! Those people suck whether they’re talking about their phones, shoes, cars, clothes, consoles, beer etc.

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlApple
    4 months ago

    i think the ire is because Apple fans believe it without questioning it, like flat earth believers being told that by a religious leader.

    Sweeping generalization. What percentage of iPhone users are you suggesting that are like this? How would you even prove that? Marketing might get us to try something but we make up our own minds after that. You’d have to be imagining that the people that line up at the stores for days are actually representative of the iPhone using population. They’re the fringe. Are most of us not numb to marketing by now anyway?

    Even my apple fan coworker is always trying to convince me to move to IOS, for “new” features, and I have to say dude I have been doing that forever, I would gain nothing by moving to IOS and lose a ton of technical abilities where I use my phone like a PC…but people can’t be convinced of what they already believe

    Sounds like you made the right choices for you and I’m genuinely glad for you for that. Your issue is in thinking your logic should be everyone else’s as well. The difference between us is that I also believe the Android fans chose their phones correctly based on what they prioritized. I have no reason to assume that such huge groups of people dealing with limited resources aren’t distributed evenly across a spectrum of being discerning and of being frugal. There’s hardcore fans throwing money at them that they don’t have and on the other side there are people with plenty of money that just wait till the renewal is up and get the cheapest model and don’t care much.

  • MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlApple
    4 months ago

    That’s more specific than the average criticism, and while valid…why would anyone direct their ire for a company’s marketing towards their consumers? I can’t even count the amount of time I’ve heard folks online claim that Apple users only buy the phone for the image and because of their marketing etc. iPhones have been around for 17 years now, and people just like them. The standard complaint is that Apple fans are clueless etc. but people spend all their lives managing limited resources. It’s wildly ignorant to assume they can’t choose products for themselves. The simple fact is that iPhones are worth the money to the people who buy them, period.