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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2020


  • One important part for gaming is the graphics card - I cannot comment on that particular one, but I would recommend searching it like “nvidia rtx 4070 + linux” so you can find advice and recommendations. You could also hop over to https://www.protondb.com/, select that card and see what most people are running. Or there is this https://linux-hardware.org/ page, where you find lots of info about whats being recommended.

    Nvidia used to be problematic with Linux, but I also have an older Nvidia card and haven’t run into any problems (yet). Also there’s lots of new development in that area, I’m sure it’s gonna be ok. Also some distros offer preinstalled Nvidia drivers that you simply select in a driver manager - that for example is the case for Linux Mint.

    Keep at it, you got this and there’s so many people and resources online to help. Best of luck!

  • Short answer: no. I’m using Linux Mint with an Nvidia card and it works great. From the games you’ve mentioned I’ve played Guild Wars 2 and Warframe with zero problems, they actually ran like on Windows where I had them installed before. Steam, Heroic Games Launcher, Bottles, Lutris - they all work fine for me.

    Also some of the issues you’re describing don’t sound like a typical GPU problem. But sure, try a different distro, maybe your particular hardware setup doesn’t play nice with Mint.