I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • AI is mostly just hype. It’s the new blockchain

    There are important AI technologies in the past for things like vision processing and the new generative AI has some uses like as a decent (although often inaccurate) summarizer/search engine. However, it’s also nothing revolutionary.

    It’s just a neat peace of tech

    But here come MS, Apple, other big companies, and tech bros to push AI hard, and it’s so obv that it’s all just a big scam to get more of your data and to lock down systems further or be the face of get-rich-quick schemes.

    I mean the image you posted is a great example. Recall is a useless feature that also happens to store screenshots of everything you’ve been doing. You’re delusional if you think MS is actually going to keep that totally local. Both MS and the US government are going to have your entire history of using the computer, and that doesn’t sit right with FOSS people.

    FOSS people tend to be rather technical than the average person, so they don’t fall for tech enthusiast nonsense as much.

  • Back when I was a kid, I was using Ubuntu. Ubtunu 14 and 16.

    At some point I got really into Elementary OS and Pantheon

    Then I rejected clone distros and embraced the mother distro, Debian.

    In college, I experimented a bit, like most people. I tried various DEs and WMs on Debian. I tried Arch. I tried Pop_OS!. I tried Gentoo. Man, Gentoo is the WORST. Compiling stuff takes WAY too long and even after using it for 6 months it never got better. Worst distro on the planet. No one should ever use it. Eventually I settled on Arch.

    I stayed an Arch i3 guy for 3.5 years, but eventually I got fed up with it.

    I then finally gave Fedora a try, and I thought it was great. It was up to date like Arch but unbreakable. At the time I was also looking into BTRFS and immutability and making my own distro, and Fedora is great for that bc of CoreOS and Kinoite and all that stuff.

    While on Fedora I did a lot of weird things in search of my goals. Like I figured out how to install Pacman and get AUR applications working on Fedora, notably archiso which I was using to build my own immutable, declarative OS that would be AppImage-based and utilizing an AppImage package manager and store front I wrote myself.

    But then, about a year in, I discovered NixOS. It’s the best thing ever. It solves all the problems I had with other distros that I thought I’d solve on Fedora or Arch with programming. It’s everything I could want in a distro and then some. I’ve now been on it longer than I was on Fedora, and there’s no sign of switching to anything else.

    Parallel to all this is various tool hopping. For instance, trying GNOME/KDE/Xfce/i3/Sway/Hyprland/etc at various times with various setups as well. Or bash vs zsh. Etc

    Currently, I’m on NixOS with Hyprland, and it’s great. I’ve also used it with i3 and with GNOME + Pop Shell 2 for tiling which are both solid as well.

    Now, that’s my daily driver and gaming machine. I use other OSs on other computers.

    I have a computer for music production that got Fedoraized when I was a Fedora fanboy for a year. I don’t change it bc it doesn’t need to change. It just needs to run Ardour, yabridge, etc and maintain my system audio configurations that I don’t remember how to set up now. If it ever gets messed up, I’ll switch to a fork of my NixOS configuration and refigure out my audio settings and put them in a configuration.

    I have a home nextcloud server as well. It also was once Fedoraized, but I gave up on that and went to Ubuntu bc that’s the only thing that should ever run a Nextcloud server. It just does not work correctly if it’s not on Ubuntu, at least that’s my experience. I’ve tried hosting on Arch, Fedora, Debian, Pop_OS! and more, but only Ubuntu works well for Nextcloud, so Ubuntu it stays.

    Windows -> RedHat -> Windows -> Gentoo -> Ubuntu -> RHEL -> Ubuntu -> Debian -> Arch

  • The other guy mentioned:

    they already said they were Mac only because they used Metal for rendering

    And you say:

    Metal is basically the only graphics API on Mac

    So they’re on Mac bc they need Metal, but they picked Metal bc they’re on a Mac? It’s circular and friggin weird man

    Not to mention there are cross-platform wrappers that will pick from all three depending on system - some that are very prolific among Rust devs (Zed is coded in Rust) like wgpu, for instance. They could’ve used wgpu and supported all 3 from the get-go and it would be easier than doing Metal anyway!

    And so picking just Mac and/or Metal first is suspicious.

  • Bismuth for Plasma 5

    Nah. I couldn’t get behind Bismuth either. You had rigid ways you could arrange your windows with no way to adjust.

    For instance, you can’t get a layout like this with Bismuth (or any dynamic tilers that I know of, i.e. dynamic tilers aren’t worth using):

    | A                    | B            |
    |                      |--------------|
    |----------------------| C            |
    | E        | F         |--------------|
    |          |           | J    |   K   |

    The closest in Bismuth would be using master and slave like:

    | A                    | B            |
    |                      |--------------|
    |                      | C            |
    | E                    | J            |
    | F                    | K            |

    Which isn’t nearly as useful

    I gave Plasma a genuine, honest try, both 5 and 6, and it was a complete let down.

    But your attitude would make Pop Shell devs burn their own project down out of fear

    Nah bc the Pop Shell devs have done an AMAZING job. The new COSMIC will make KDE and GNOME look like pet projects when it drops.

  • KindaABigDyl@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlOpinions on KDE Plasma 6
    2 months ago

    Absolutely unusable for one big reason: still no good tiling options in KDE. They got me hopeful with their tiled area system but then dropped the ball on execution. An OS without tiling is functionally unusable for real work. There aren’t even any good KWin scripts for it. At least Windows has stuff like FancyWM. Will not be using any time soon. GNOME, with the ability to install Pop Shell 2, is by far the superior DE, and it’s not even close, and I’ll stick to that for most things and a WM/compositor (in this case Hyprland) on my main machine. KDE is and will continue to be trash until they can add true tiling support. Might as well some 1980s looking WM like OpenBox. That’s what KDE is. Old and unusable. Nothing else they “improve” matters since the core of operations doesn’t function.