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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • What disadvantages? Losing fake internet points? I deleted every post and comment I had ever made, as well as my account, several years ago. It has negatively impacted my life in exactly zero ways. Look man, no offense, but you’re not erasing the works of Shakespeare over here. The world will keep on turning just fine if you delete your collection of memes and shit posts.

  • Yes. Yes it is. I had a single Windows install that was my main system. I eventually decided to semi-switch to Linux, and passed that SSD through to a VM, along with the GPU and half of my USB ports in order to continue running that Windows install for gaming and Adobe stuff. You just have to keep messing around with the config of the VM, and look up info about getting your UUID from Windows to add to your VM config, so your Windows license/activation will keep working as is. There are guides and info for all of this if you Google around. Don’t remember exactly where I found those guides, as I ran that setup for about year and then switched that Windows install back to bare metal, and it has been about another year since then. I do remember that I got the same boot issues as you when switching back and forth between bare metal and VM, and I had to run the Windows boot repair tools to get everything working. Trying looking into that.

  • Wait, do we actually get something for our old lifetime Pocketcasts licenses? Because I remember when they switched the app to being free, with any extra features being locked behind a subscription, existing licenses holders got… not anything, as far as I remember. I’ve been using the app daily for years now, and have no reason to give it up, but I don’t feel like having bought the license back in the day is getting me anything extra over what a new free-tier user is getting now. Am I missing something?