News posts on /c/Turkey are automatically made by a bot I wrote under my account.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2023


  • If you’re from the EU you can file a GDPR request to the site’s admin; otherwise consult your laws for how you can do a data deletion request for best chance of success.

    Note that even if your posts/comments are deleted, some admins might refuse to delete the User ID assigned to your old account to prevent improper federation between instances. (If someone else takes that account, it could create problems there)

  • The sponsor ads work when they’re neatly aligned aligned with the video’s concept. It wouldn’t budge me to see a manufacturer sponsor a PC build video where one of their products are being used. Or channels like GradeA where they advertise the sponsors in a similar way to their vids.

    What breaks it is when you can feel the ad clearly feels like a last minute insert (which it feels like almost all the time). Even the bigger creators out there do this.

  • App developers are responsible for the content the emulators can include (which are called mini-apps)

    So let’s say I am Square Enix. I own the rights to Chrono Trigger. I can release an emulator with Chrono Trigger SNES ROM and can sell it as Chrono Trigger. I cannot have said emulator allowed to run Super Mario World, as that would get my program delisted from App Store.

    This is not limited to just emulators though. We can classify the games in roblox as mini apps; so let’s say if Roblox doesn’t remove a game that clearly infringes copyright; they too will get removed from App Store. (Which is one of the many reasons why they try to remove the games that contain these content)

  • This sentiment is more of “I want a 30.000$ NFT pfp even though good artists can go way cheaper for art commissions.”. Equivilent of an AI generated PFPs in watches are those 10$ watches you see some street vendor is selling. They could look appealing for those without a clock and want to try one, but for someone that wants a quality watch, they lack quality.

    There exists good quality watches for 100-500$ range that’ll never die on you, and can last multiple next generations after you. Hell, even cheaper if you don’t care that much about aesthetics. It’s dumb af to drop above 4 digit numbers on a watch where you’re not getting any reasonable difference from any perspective whatsoever. Similar thing goes with PFPs.