• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • AstralPath@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlJust no
    2 months ago

    I love pineapple on pizza, but the key to its greatness is using small pieces on top of the cheese and even giving them a little squeeze before cooking to prevent an over abundance of juice.

    For kiwi on a pizza to be even mildly appetizing at face value IMO the pieces would need to be quite small. I don’t want a mouthful of sweet. A hint of sweet along with all the saltiness in the pizza is what makes sweet/salty pizzas amazing.

  • AstralPath@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlThis is the way
    3 months ago

    It’s also convenient that you can just press the reset button when you inevitably launch your video game vehicle into a fence at high speed. A single crash in a real car is real expensive when you gotta fix the parts of the track you just wrecked too. See: nurburgring barrier repair costs + towing

  • AstralPath@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlWorst day
    3 months ago

    I never mentioned anything about disadvantages because it should be self evident that if you are at a disadvantage for X reason you’re gonna have a bad time.

    I myself have essential tremor. My muscles shake significantly when they are engaged. Trust me I know what its like to dig out of a hole when almost everyone else is standing on level ground to begin with.

    Talent implies that people are born already being multiple chapters ahead of their peers in their skill refinement story. That’s just simply not true and believing that does nothing but perpetuate “woe is me” attitudes.

    Practice is what digs you out of the hole. Someone could have all the supposed talent in the world but if they don’t practice and learn they won’t be able to keep up. Practice is all that matters.

    I bet your photography is a lot better than you give yourself credit for. Everyone is their own harshest critic. You might be sitting on photos that some people would think are gold. I hope you’re sharing them even if you think they’re not so hot.

  • AstralPath@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlWorst day
    3 months ago

    You think we all had the same amount of hours in math class as a kid but you conveniently ignore variables like focus, interest and after hours practice, among others I can’t think of I’m sure.

    If you took guitar class with me back in high school and only practiced during class and for assigned homework, I’m absolutely smoking you right out of the gate because I’m also spending 3hrs minimum every night practicing for fun. Double that on most weekends.

    Its all about the time you put into the skill. If you are engaged with practicing a particular skill because you genuinely enjoy it, you’re going to have a much easier time than someone who struggles to enjoy it. Math class is the perfect example. Many kids loathe math class while others love it. The kids that love it are gonna engage with it with more focus both in-class and at home. That practice and study directly translates to proficiency.

  • AstralPath@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlWorst day
    3 months ago

    It should also be mentioned that “talent” doesn’t exist. Anyone that is good at something has put a ton of time and effort into practice. You’re not born with skills, you refine them. Doesn’t matter if you’re an insanely skilled artist of some kind or if you’re a darkness-dwelling, aurora-ignoring retro game speed runner, if you’re good at something its because you earned that skill through countless hours of practice.