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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • What distro, and did you use official methods or something random from the internet?

    Ubuntu, for a computer engineering project

    As far as I remember, that whole Linus does Linux series was widely ridiculed in the Linux community. Like he didn’t even read the prompts before spamming y

    hence part user error, but what was not user error was there was like a week period where a bad version of steam was put up, which was what caused the problem in the first place. Having a non working version of steam was more on the maintainer end and not the user end, and looking for alternatives to get it working is 100% a new user would do, what was user negligence was the part of accepting that he was going to make distro breaking changes. Hence while ultimately his fault, it was caused by a situation completely not his fault, and he initially acted in a way most users would, which is google for workarounds.

  • ove seen it one time forst hand and not directly but indirectly second hand. first hand time ive first seen it was actually related to OPish, had friends who needed Nvidia drivers installed for compute(non gaming), borked their distro.

    second hand indirect one was the meme moment Linus (tech tips) borked his installation of Pop OS (over Ubuntu) because there was a tiny window period where popos really had a borked version of steam that wouldnt function, and borked it by trying to install steam in a very roundabout way he found online (something a perspn learning to use linux would do often).that situation was only caused by a combination of specific timings and some user negligence

  • Arch tends to be close, because it is a bleeding edge type of rolling update model, so any fixes would come to Arch faster than more LTS options.

    Some distros like Nobara liek you mention have it built in, Pop OS is another. Different distros will prioritize different aspects and that how itll fundamentally be.

    Linux is a game of knowing which distro fits your usecase, the less offending hardware you use, the easier the choices are. take for example those who use bleeding edge hardware might not like the out of the box experience on LTS based distros that take awhile to push something to kernel.

  • different vpns will have different use cases.

    some people just want to bypass geolocked content, this only requires having a vpn in whatever region you want content in.

    those who only care about piracy and avoiding dmca claims, they need a VPN who do not keep logs. or is hosted in a country that does not respond to DMCA requests

    those who need a VPN for privacy reasons, theres tiers of it. basically some people will refuse to use VPNs hosted in Five Eyes/Nine Eyes countries as the government would likely know your actions. some people dont care of government knows, others do.

  • housing is expensive because some countries see t as an investment. even in some capitalistic countries can have affordable housing (e. g japan in many areas) because how they see housing is completely different than how other capitalistic nations see housing. its why despite having a dogshit working schedule, you could still afford to live in japan even with a shitty job.

    yes, regulations and stuff play a roll in why its expensive, but it doesnt adress the root cause in why it happens, and that answer is because people treat it as $$$ and not a natural right.

  • HDMi foundation is founded by companies who own the home theatre environement (mainly movie conpanies and television) who puts DRM on HDMI to make it harder to illegally copy content like movies, ao they will always want to be anti open source because thats the request of streaming services/movie businesses. Its why for example, mobile devices have widevine levels. those levels basically determine how “unlocked” the device is and services will refuse to offer full functionality to unlocked devices because of it, be it audio or video.

    Members of VESA, who control the displaypprt standard are generally computer companies are mostly not in the business of media, so they value specs over drm on changes, which for example a use case is that displayport allows for daisychaining diaplays.